ONBOARDING & TEACHER resources: after school

This page serves as your TEACHING CONTRACT, and is your reference page for any questions you have regarding payroll, curriculum, substitutes, rosters and more. Please thoroughly read every section of this page. This page is for after school teachers only (not Summer and Holiday Camps).

SIGN YOUR CONTRACT by completing the form at the end of this page. Please complete the form at least 10 days before your class start date to ensure your first payment is not delayed.

QUESTIONS: Contact community@artcamp504.org


How to SET UP YOUR staff account on CourseStorm:

We use a platform called CourseStorm for class registrations, parent payments, and as the primary means of emailing students/parents.

You can view what our CourseStorm/Squarespace website integration looks like and get an idea of the registration process by visiting the after school and camp pages on our website - artcamp504.org.

You've been sent or will soon be sent an instructor invite from CourseStorm (notifications@coursestorm.com). To learn more about how CourseStorm works for you as an instructor, please feel free to browse their help documentation here.


You, as an instructor, will receive email notifications if:

  • A change (i.e., time or date) is made to one of your classes

  • A new student enrolls in your class

  • One of your classes is canceled

  • A student's registration is cancelled

  • Someone is added to your class waiting list

  • A student is transferred away from or to your class

  • A staff member sends an email to your class roster or waiting list

Students/parents receive these automated emails:

  • Registration confirmation/receipt (let us know if you want to customize this email) 

  • Automated reminder 2 days before the class start date

  • Class cancelation

  • Low enrollment (When a class is at risk of not running due to low enrollments, the roster students will receive an email asking them to reach out to their friends to try and fill the class)


  1. Accept the CourseStorm invite in your inbox, then log into our CourseStorm website (artcamp504.coursestorm.com) using the “Staff Login” button at the bottom of the site homepage.

  2. Once logged in, select the number of registrants linked beside the class in question, and class information will pop up. 

  3. Select “Roster” in the top menu.

  4. You will be able to view the names, phone numbers, parent names, school and other info on the roster


After School Art Teachers are required to send one short email per week to the families with a recap of their lesson and at home assignment. Sending emails increases parent engagement and satisfaction, making it more likely that students will enroll the following semester. All of the emails are written in advance, as part of your curriculum, so all you need to do is copy and paste each week.

It is not required to send weekly emails for Dungeons & Dragons, though we highly recommend this as a way to increase parent engagement and overall satisfaction with the course.

Teachers that neglect to send the emails within 48 hours of class ending will have a $20 deduction in pay for each email not sent

Example Email: 

Hi Parents, we had a great day today in Visual Arts Studio! We began a new printmaking project, which we will be working on over the next three weeks. Students will learn how to carve their block using their reference photo and print their image across a variety of mediums. 

Their assignment for next week is to come to class with a few sketches of images they might want to carve. During class they will select their favorite sketch and refine their drawing into a finished image ready to carve.

Thank you for a great class! 


  • Log in to your CourseStorm staff account

  • Click on your class roster then click send email. Change the email title

  • The email signature will automatically say “See you soon, Sam.” Edit the signature so that it says your name and includes your phone number in case the parents have questions.

  • Click the paperclip icon in the toolbar to add an attachment. You can also add links

Note: There have been some intermittent issues with attaching files. If you run into an issue with attachments, the ideal solution is to add the file to your Drive folder then add a viewable link to that file in the email. Alternative solutions are to either send the email via Gmail, or compress the PDF before attaching it in CourseStorm.


How does after school payment work?

We issue payments three times per semester, the dates and amounts are outlined in your teaching contract. Payments are at the beginning, middle and end. Payment is $80 per 90 minute class sent via direct deposit. Art teachers receive $100 prep for planning meetings and curriculum, this is also because art teachers have a larger class size than Dungeons & Dragons (8 students).

After School teachers do not submit a weekly time report because your hours are contracted in advance.


All of your classes and payment dates are listed on the PAYMENT TRACKER.

  • The tracker lists all classes by teacher. Scroll down until you see your name to view your classes

  • The tracker says if classes are confirmed or postponed. Your payment amount will be updated if a postponed class is confirmed.

  • View your class dates, times, locations, as well as no class dates due to holidays

  • You will see your total payment outlined in the Semester Summary, followed by your three payment dates to the right. Note that each payment has two dates - the first is when we submit it on Gusto, the second is when you receive it. We run payroll on Monday and you receive payment on Friday.

  • The tracker shows any payment deductions

  • The tracker includes dates that you had a substitute teach as well as cancelled class dates


  • We send payments as direct deposit through Gusto

  • If you are a new teacher, you will receive an email from Gusto before your start date. Teachers are responsible for setting up their account prior to the first payment date, otherwise your payment will be delayed. Upon receipt, follow the following steps:

    • Set up a username and password

    • Enter your government name as found on your ID and/or passport

    • Enter your Social Security Number 

    • Enter your Routing & Account Number for the account you’d like your payment deposited in after payroll.

  • Gusto is also how you will access your 1099. 

  • If you have any questions about Gusto or accessing the platform, please reach out to us at community@artcamp504.com 


how to submit a substitute request:

We request 48 hours notice for substitute requests. If a substitute teaches your class, your final payment will be reduced by $80 (that payment will instead go to the substitute). Substitute teachers need to submit their hours using the TIME REPORT.


  1. First, see if any of the other Art Camp 504 teachers are available to cover your class

  2. Then, send a text to the Camp Director, Sam Bass, saying you will be requesting a substitute 504-913-2989. Let Sam know if you already confirmed a substitute from our existing teachers. If you are not able to find a substitute, we will bring in a new teacher.

  3. Finally, fill out the following form: Substitute & Class Cancellation Request Form Your request is not complete until we receive your online form submission


If you request a substitute less than 48 hours in advance, we will try to find a substitute to teach your class.

  • If we are not able to find a substitute in short notice, we will cancel the class and refund all of the students for the day.

  • We will contact all parents via text and email to ensure they received the notification that class is cancelled.

  • Because cancelling classes at the last minute results in a loss of tuition, extra administrative work, and hurts our reputation for professionalism, your final pay will be reduced by $150 instead of $80.

While we understand that things happen that require teachers to cancel classes, the expectation is that teachers are available to work every day they committed to. Teachers with three or more last minute cancellations will not be considered for future teaching positions.


We have high professional standards for our teachers. Teachers need to be on site, ready for class, as soon as parents arrive. It is very important that you are there to receive students. Plan on arriving 15 minutes before class starts to ensure you are ready.

  • If you arrive 5 minutes past the student drop off time, your payment will be reduced by $25 for the day. This is because parents get concerned when the lead teacher isn’t there to receive students. When teachers are late the parents call for administrative help. It also means you are not prepared as soon as the students arrive.

  • If you are 15 minutes late or more for class, your pay will be reduced by $50 for that day. This is because teacher tardiness creates stress for students and parents, and hurts our reputation for professionalism.

Depending on the circumstances and length of time, teachers that are late to class two or more times may not be considered for future after school teaching positions.


Prompt communication is an essential part of working with a team. I agree to respond to all text messages and emails within 48 hours - unless a faster response is requested. If I am not able to respond within 48 hours, I will respond saying that I received the information and will give a time frame in which I can respond. Repeated failure to communicate promptly may result in cancellation of teaching agreement.



All teachers are required to submit a photo and bio that we can share on our website. Teachers are responsible for reviewing their bio each semester and sending updates as needed so that the information is relevant. If you are a returning teacher, check the website to make sure your bio is still up to date. Please send your bio and photo to info@artcamp504.org before your first scheduled class begins. View teacher bios on our TEAM page.


Showcase your greatest achievements, artistic passions, and skills. Write your bio in 3rd person so they all match. Keep your bio one paragraph, and relative in size to the other bios on the website. Include your preferred name and pronouns.

  • Your education and degrees

  • Link to your website, business or instagram (I will create a hyperlink on the Art Camp 504 website)

  • Achievements as an artist - gallery shows, exhibitions, publications, commissions, large scale art works, awards, films, etc. Pick a few that you are most proud of to highlight

  • Artistic vision - what mediums do you work in, what are you most inspired by

  • Teaching experience - what experience do you have with kids outside of art camp 504? schools, other summer camps, after school programs, etc. If you've been with us 2 or more years, highlight that!

  • Other work that you do... work in the film industry? are you a musician? freelance photographer? event planner?

  • What else are you passionate about? Mardi Gras costumes? Travel? Social justice? Comic books? Your dog?


This section is for art teachers only. D&D teachers are not required to submit lesson plans at this time.

Why is lesson planning important?

  • HIGH QUALITY INSTRUCTION: Our lessons include guiding questions, planning worksheets, time breakdowns and example projects, providing all students with a pathway to success. Students perform best when teachers are prepared and have finished examples to show. Our lessons are aligned to learning standards, helping students use what they learn at Art Camp 504 to improve their overall performance at school.

  • MATERIAL MANAGEMENT: Submitting your material list in advance ensures that we have all the necessary art supplies for your class. This also helps us order in bulk, saving both time and money.

  • SUBSTITUTES:  If you are absent, another teacher can easily cover your class, ensuring that students don't miss out on your activity.

  • REPEAT CLASSES: Lesson planning makes it much easier to repeat the same class in the future, freeing up time for new creative projects.

  • FUTURE GROWTH: We are building a database of lesson plans for future use. This database will facilitate the addition of more classes and the expansion of our program, creating more opportunities for both teachers and students.


  • Overview of the full curriculum, teacher bio and prep assignment

  • Student ages, cap, subject, lesson time, topic, themes, lesson focus and goals

  • Full material lists

  • Breakdown of activity into 10-15 minute time intervals

  • Guiding Questions, Core Curriculum learning standards

  • Worksheets or planning pages for students



Our curriculum director is Hannah Imberman. Her job is to support teachers, write and organize lesson plans, and create a general overview for the projects each year.

Hannah’s responsibilities include:

  • Make a list of projects for after school, holiday and summer camp teachers to choose from

  • Have one-on-one calls with each teacher to help teachers create project lists and worksheets

  • Write lesson plans for each lesson taught by teachers

  • Compile material lists for all classes

  • Support teachers by helping them come up with new ideas and methods for teaching projects.

Hannah is available to help you brainstorm and answer questions! Contact her at hannah.Imberman@gmail.com or 305-725-8767.


  1. Select the projects you want to teach from our project list OR come up with your own project ideas. Teachers should plan the first four weeks of classes, and have a general outline for the rest of the semester.

  2. Schedule your planning call with Hannah to discuss projects and worksheets. Come to the call with your project ideas ready, Hannah will help you make worksheets and will write your lesson plans. Schedule your planning call on or before August 16 using this CALENDLY LINK.

  3. Email your supply lists and worksheets to Hannah by Aug 20 - Hannah.Imberman@gmail.com. Making your own worksheets is optional - Hannah is available to make your worksheets OR she can send you a pre-existing one.

  4. Attend in person or virtual meeting between Aug 23 - 26 to set up your art supplies. Fill out your availability using this DOODLE POLL. If you are not available to come to the Tigermen Den, we will set up your area and send you photos so you know where your supplies are located.

  5. If you miss any of the above deadlines (Aug 16 schedule call and Aug 20 email supply lists / worksheets) your prep pay will be reduced from $100 to $50.


Our minimum enrollment is four students. Teachers have the option to teach a class with three students for a rate of $60 instead of $80.

  • If your class has not met enrollment one week before the scheduled start date, we will postpone the start date by ONE WEEK, giving time for parents to recruit more students. All parents will be refunded for the first class.

  • If the class has still not met enrollment the following week, we will postpone the start date TWO MORE WEEKS. Parents will be refunded for those two classes.

  • If the class has still not met enrollment after three weeks, we will contact the parents to see if they want to postpone another two weeks or cancel.

If your class is postponed, and you would like to seek other work opportunities, teachers are welcome to cancel their teaching contract. If you cancel due to low enrollment, you will have the opportunity to teach your class the following semester.


Art Camp 504 may photograph or record camp activities for promotional purposes including but not limited to brochures, websites, social media platforms, and advertisements. By participating, teachers grant us permission to use images or recordings of their class and projects for these purposes.


Art Camp 504 will provide all materials and cover the cost of all supplies needed for class. Teachers may bring in their personal equipment at their own risk, teachers are not required to bring any personal items for use in class. We are not responsible for personal items lost or damaged during class.


  • Our biggest focus right now is long term sustainability and organization. We are actively building the systems that will help us work more efficiently and effectively in the future. We appreciate your patience and understanding as build our organization’s infrastructure

  • We welcome and appreciate feedback from teachers. Most of our systems and policies have been created in the last year. We want to know when instructions and requests are confusing, if classes or curriculum aren’t going well. YOU are an essential part of building Art Camp 504’s future

  • This is a fast paced learning environment, teachers need to be adaptable and flexible. We have ambitious goals for our program and high expectations for our students. Because we are still building our basic infrastructure, sometimes communication and tasks might not be clear. If you are confused, ask questions.

  • We teach students leadership, public speaking and event production skills. Sometimes students may experience stress as they prepare for a big event. We teach students how to manage their stress and perform in a fast paced environment so that they are better prepared for the future

  • We are operating with a much smaller budget than needed to run an organization of our size. Fundraising and increasing revenue streams is our biggest goal for 2025. As we grow and increase our overall budget, we look forward to providing more paid trainings and professional development throughout the year for teachers

  • The most important rule for students at Art Camp 504 is that everybody is nice and respectful. We expect teachers to model this behavior by always coming to work with a positive attitude. We work together to solve our problems, and communicate our concerns in a constructive way. Our staff is a community where each member is valued and appreciated, and together we share the vision of building an amazing program for our young artists.


CLICK HERE to learn about Art Camp 504’s culture and behavior expectations for students. This page includes our community norms, behavior consequences, conflict resolution strategies, Tigermen Den rules, behavior management techniques and more.

What behaviors are not allowed in our community?

  • Curse Words and Hateful Language: Anything said to intentionally make another person feel bad. If it makes you feel sad in your heart, don’t say it.

  • Bullying: Intentionally making someone feel bad over and over through mean words, threats or violence

  • Physical Violence: Hitting, punching, kicking, pinching, throwing objects, yelling, stomping

Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior:


    • We will remind you of community norms and you will apologize for your actions.


    • We will remind you again of community norms. You will apologize for your actions and sit in Time Out for 10 minutes.


    • If the behavior continues, you will speak to your parents on the phone. You will apologize and sit in Time Out for 15 minutes.


    • If the behavior still continues, your parents will take you home early from class. If they are not available, you will sit in Time Out for the rest of the day.


    • If you return to camp the next week and are still acting inappropriately, you will be sent home from class and will not be allowed to attend the following week


    • If you return to camp after the suspension and are still acting inappropriately, you will be removed from the program for the remainder of the semester. We do not issue refunds for students with behavior infractions.


Lead teachers are required to enforce our behavior expectations during after school classes. Please save the parent contact info for all your students in your phones before the first day of class so that you have easy access to their information.

  • Lead teachers are expected to call parents when students are misbehaving after their initial warning and time out

  • If the behavior continues after the initial parent phone call, discuss with the Camp Director to confirm if a suspension is needed

  • The Camp Director will call parents if the behavior warrants suspension or removal from the program


  • Art Teachers - Failure to send weekly email within 48 hours of class ending - $20 per email

  • Substitute request 48 hours or MORE in advance - $80 (payment will instead go to the substitute teacher)

  • Substitute request 48 hours or LESS in advance - $150 (class is cancelled and all students refunded)

  • Tardy - 5 minutes after scheduled start time - $25 (teachers are expected to arrive 15 minutes before class start time)

  • Tardy - 15 minutes after scheduled class start time - $50 (repeated tardiness will result in teacher dismissal)

  • Failure to meet lesson planning deadlines - $50

  • If a teacher elects to teach a class with only three students, pay will be reduced from $80 to $60 (this is optional and for the teacher to decide)


I. Independent Contractor Status. The Contractor, under the code of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), is an independent contractor and neither the Contractor’s employees or contract personnel are, or shall be deemed, the Client’s employees. In its capacity as an independent contractor, Contractor agrees and represents: Contractor has the right to perform Services for others during the term of this Agreement.

II. Federal and State Taxes. Under this Agreement, the Client shall not be responsible for:

Withholding FICA, Medicare, Social Security, or any other federal or state withholding taxes from the Contractor’s payments to employees or personnel or make payments on behalf of the Contractor; Making federal or state unemployment compensation contributions on the Contractor’s behalf; and payment of all taxes incurred related to or while performing the Services under this Agreement, including all applicable income taxes and, if the Contractor is not a corporation, all applicable self-employment taxes. 

III. Liability Insurance. The Contractor agrees to bear all responsibility for the actions related to themselves under this Agreement. There shall be no minimum required for the liability insurance. 

IV. Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Client harmless from any loss of liability from performing the Services under this Agreement.

V. Termination of Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate when teacher is finished teaching classes. In addition, the Client of Contractor may terminate this Agreement, including any obligations stated hereunder, with reasonable cause by providing written notice of: A material breach of the other party; or Any act exposing the other party to liability to others for personal injury or property damage.

VI. Proprietary Information. Proprietary information, under this Agreement, shall include: The product of all work performed under this Agreement, including without limitation all notes, reports, documentation, drawings, deliverables, will be the sole property of the Client. The Client will be entitled to use Contractor’s name and/or likeness in advertising and other materials.

VII. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed under the laws in the State of Louisiana.

VIII. Severability. This Agreement shall remain in effect in the event a section or provision is unenforceable or invalid. All remaining sections and provisions shall be deemed legally binding unless a court rules that any such provision or section or invalid or unenforceable, thus, limiting the effect of another provision or section.


Complete the form below for Fall Semester 2024

Please complete all onboarding steps before signing your teaching contract. Signed contracts are due 10 days before your class start date, late contracts will result in your first payment being delayed by one week.