camp INFO & important POLICIES

We are very excited to have you join our community of young artists! Please review the important information below to learn about our program and policies. By participating in our programs you agree to abide by these terms.


  • Community Norms & Behavior Expectations

  • Camp Information: Address, Aftercare, Outdoor Play & Swim, Food and Drink, Folders, Packing List

  • Daily Schedule, Class Structure, Friday Celebrations

  • Supply Wishlist

  • Refund Information

  • Electronics Policy

  • After School Enrollment and Substitute Policy

  • Photo Release and Liability Waiver

  • Dogs at Art Camp

  • About the Tigermen Den

  • Diversity and Inclusion Statement / Misconduct


Art Camp 504 is located at The Tigermen Den - 3113 Royal St in the Bywater. Street parking is available, and the entrance is on Royal St, opposite Petite Clouet Cafe. We offer a few Dungeons & Dragons campaigns Uptown - please check the location of your class when enrolling in D&D campaigns.

CAMP HOURS: Drop off is 8:30 - 9:00am and pick up is 3:00 - 3:30pm. Please sign your camper in and out each day.


We offer aftercare from 3:30-5:30pm for Summer and Holiday Camps. Weekly aftercare is $15/day per camper when paid in advance. Register for aftercare by visiting your class on Coursestorm. During aftercare, students work on independent projects and have free play.

DROP-IN AFTERCARE: You do not need to register in advance for drop-in aftercare. The cost for drop-in aftercare is $20/day per camper, paid at pick-up through cash, Venmo @artcamp504, Zelle, cashapp or PayPal.


  • LUNCH: Pack Monday to Thursday. Friday pizza lunch provided

  • SNACKS: Pack extra snacks. 100% Juice Otter Pops provided

  • WATER BOTTLE: Filtered water available on site. Write name on bottle

  • BACKPACK: Students bring home their projects on the last day of each session. Send a backpack in case they have smaller projects to bring home before then. We provide students with work bags to use while at camp (they stay at the Tigermen Den)

  • SWIM: On Fridays, bring a swim suit, towel, swim shoes

  • SUNSCREEN: Please apply sunscreen before camp. We have sunscreen on site if kids need to apply again in the afternoon


  • We treat our classmates and instructors with kindness and respect.

  • We are calm and focused while working inside our art studio

  • We keep our art studio organized and tidy, and we all help each other clean up

  • We use conflict resolution strategies to solve our problems with words

  • We raise our hands to talk during whole group lessons and listen attentively when the teacher is giving instructions

  • We are mindful about sharing and not wasting art supplies. We use art materials and tools appropriately


Our community is a supportive space that offers self-direction and creative freedom for students. We expect all students to follow our behavior expectations. We do not have the resources to provide one on one behavior support for students with higher needs. Students that require teachers to repeatedly stop instruction to manage behavior, and are disruptive to the learning of others, will be removed from the program after a series of consequences. We do not issue refunds for behavior infractions.


  • Curse Words and Hurtful Language: Anything said to intentionally make another person feel bad. If it makes you feel sad in your heart, don’t say it.

  • Bullying, Discrimination, any form of Harassment: Intentionally making someone feel bad over and over through mean words, threats or violence

  • Physical or Verbal Violence: Hitting, punching, kicking, pinching, throwing objects, yelling, stomping


  • Verbal Reminder: Reminder of Community Norms, apologize for you actions

  • Time Out: If the behavior continues, you will apologize and sit in Time Out for 10 minutes.

  • Parent Phone Call and Time Out: If the behavior continues, you will speak to your parents on the phone. You will apologize and sit in Time Out for 15 minutes.

  • Removal from Camp for the Day: If the behavior still continues, your parents will take you home early from camp. If they are not available to pick you up, you will sit in Time Out for the remainder of the activity

  • Removal from Camp for the Week: If you return to camp the next day and are still acting inappropriately, you will be sent home from camp for the rest of the week. Students are welcome to return to camp the following season. We understand that sometimes students aren’t ready and need behavior support before returning.

daily schedule:

Each morning, our teachers introduce the day's projects, allowing students to select the classes they wish to attend. Students choose how they wish to spend their time - they can select one project to explore in depth all week, or they can try out multiple activities during the camp. Students also have the opportunity to create independent projects in our open studio space. We encourage students to discover and explore their interests, guided by professional artists along the way.


  • 8:30 - 9:00: Drop Off, Free Time

  • 9:00 - 9:30: Morning Meeting

  • 9:30 - 11:00: Art Workshop

  • 11:00 - 11:30: Lunch

  • 11:30 - 12:15: Play at Markey Playground

  • 12:15 - 12:45: Afternoon Meeting

  • 12:45 - 2:15: Art Workshop

  • 2:15 - 2:30: Clean Up

  • 2:30 - 3:00: Snack and Play at Clouet Gardens

  • 3:00 - 3:30: Pick Up

  • 3:30 - 5:30: Aftercare



  • Our Holiday Camps host 25–32 students, who are divided among three downstairs spaces: the Kitchen, Quiet Room, and Main Room. Each space features a unique, teacher-led project for students to choose from, with an additional teacher present in the Main Room. We maintain a student-to-teacher ratio of 8:1. In addition to our lead teachers, we have 3–4 teenage interns assisting students during each session. A fenced, shaded courtyard is available for students to take play breaks whenever needed.

  • Our Summer Camps accommodate 40–44 students. During Summer Camp, we also rent the upstairs studio apartment at the Tigermen Den, which includes a bathroom and an extra kitchen. This allows us to have 10–12 students upstairs with two teachers. Additionally, the much-loved “Imagination Portal” returns every summer. This fully cleared-out large broom closet is transformed into a magical space with mattresses, bean bags, twinkle lights, books, and more, providing a cozy retreat for up to five children at a time.


Since our first year at Art Camp 504, we’ve embraced a “Schoolhouse Style” approach.We group students based on interest, rather than age. We have found that by age 7, our students are all able to work on the same projects, at their own level. Our community is a unique blend of adults, teens, kids of all ages, and dogs. This open and inclusive structure gives our students the freedom and respect they thrive on.

  • Each project is led by a designated lead teacher and supported by an assistant or intern. This ensures that younger students receive the extra guidance they need when tackling more complex projects.

  • Over the years, we’ve seen incredible benefits to this mixed-age approach. Younger students are inspired by working alongside older peers, learning new ways to think about art and experimenting with techniques they might not have tried on their own. At the same time, older students develop invaluable leadership skills as they serve as mentors and role models for the youngest members of our camp.

  • We maintain clear and firm behavior expectations to ensure that Art Camp 504 is a space where everyone feels safe and welcome. Conversations and language, particularly among older students, are closely monitored to ensure they’re always appropriate for even the youngest campers. If a student behaves inappropriately, we act quickly to address the situation. At Art Camp 504, fostering a respectful, inclusive, and creative environment is our top priority.


Art Camp 504 is a student-run art studio, where students determine their own artistic interests and goals. Students may select from teacher led projects, or they can endeavor to craft their own projects in our open studio space. Our teaching artists monitor the open studio and assist students where needed.

Our teaching philosophy is to inspire students to create - we encourage all forms of independent projects and celebrate each students’ creations at the end of each session.

outdoor play:

We have a shaded, fenced in courtyard at the Tigermen Den, where students are allowed to take an outdoor play break any time they need. Additionally, we take daily walking trips to Markey Park and Clouet Gardens for additional outdoor play time. Students that prefer to stay inside are welcome to stay at the Tigermen Den with a teacher for free play / independent art projects.

Clouet Gardens - 710 Clouet St, across the street from camp

Markey Park - 3301 Royal St, two block walk from camp

swim: optional for students

We swim every Friday morning through NORD’s Summer Aquatics Program. NORD is still finalizing the schedule, we will either be swimming at Stalling St Claude or Stalling Gentilly. The pool is closed to the public during camp hours and only our students will be using the pool and bathrooms. Students will be participating in free swim, supervised by lifeguards. Students that do not want to swim stay at the Tigermen Den with a teacher to continue working on their projects.

  • Students must pass a swim test to swim in the deep end

  • Blow up swimmies are not allowed

  • Students must wear proper swim attire (no t-shirts) - swim shirts are allowed

  • Students must remove earrings and other jewelry

  • No running on the deck or excessive splashing

  • Please arrive in swim clothes. Pack a change of clothes, swim shoes, towel

  • Families are welcome to join us at the pool


  • LUNCH: For Summer Camp, we have a camp Pizza Party every Friday for lunch, provided by our sponsors at Pizza Delicious. Please pack a lunch Monday - Thursday. We have a refrigerator if needed and a microwave for reheating food. For Holiday Camps, we cook lunch with the kids on the last day of each session (menu TBA).

  • SNACKS: We provide 100% juice Otter Pops every day for Holiday and Summer camps and after school classes. Aftercare includes an additional healthy snack and another ice pop.

  • WATER: We have filtered water available on site. We encourage students to reduce waste by bringing a water bottle (write your name on it). We have cups for students that forget a water bottle.

  • FOOD ALLERGIES: All students disclose food allergies through enrollment. If any students in your session have severe allergies we will notify parents before the session begins and restrict the types of foods you can bring.


Every camp session concludes with a family art show and presentation. For two- or three-week sessions, the celebration will take place on the final day of the session. Join us in celebrating your camper's creativity by bringing a snack or drink to contribute to our potluck table! Please note that Film, Parade, and Culinary classes will have unique celebration schedules—details to be shared later this spring.


Each Friday, we host two presentation times to accommodate all families. Parents must complete the presentation sign-up sheet at camp by Wednesday.

  • 3:00 - 3:30: Art Walk - Explore the student art on display and enjoy the family potluck

  • 3:30 - 4:15: Presentation #1 (Students participating in this presentation will leave at 4:15.)

  • 4:15 - 4:30: Art Walk - Additional time to view artwork for families attending Presentation #2

  • 4:30 - 5:15: Presentation #2 (Families attending this presentation should arrive at 4:15)

  • 5:15 - 5:30: Aftercare / Final Art Walk

Crew orbital operations kit (folders):

All students will receive their official Crew Orbital Operations Kit on their first day of class—a personalized folder to use throughout the year. They will use this folder to store drawings, diagrams and worksheets they complete while at Art Camp 504 and at home.


Students should bring their folders to each camp session that they attend. The folders stay at the Tigermen Den until their last day of camp. After the session ends, we encourage students to continue working on their character and art between sessions. Think of it as a mini portfolio to build upon all year! (they will get a new one if lost, but we encourage them to take ownership over their work)

supply wishlist

All materials are included with tuition. We always appreciate donations and go through a ton of art supplies. Below is our supply wishlist! We love any and all donations.

  • COSTUMES & CLOTHES: Kid and adult sized costumes, hats and accessories. Items that can be upcycled. Lightly used plain or patterned t-shirts with no text or logos that we can press designs onto, kid and adult size

  • ART SUPPLIES: Sequin / shiny / sparkle fabric, faux fur, gems, feathers, air dry and polymer clay, mini hot glue sticks, duct tape (especially fun patterns), collage materials

  • PAINT: Spray paint, multisurface paint, acrylic paint (small containers), exterior house paint - black, silver, dark blue, paint pens

  • RECYCLED OBJECTS: Bits and pieces of broken, misplaced toys and games, tissue paper / paper towel rolls, soda can rings, fruit nets, bottle caps, plastic water bottles all sizes, reflective items (bike reflectors, CDs), old electronics and keyboards

  • CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS: 4x8 sheets of luaun plywood, 2x4s, 1x2s, spray foam, mirrors, liquid nails, spray adhesive, black silicone, silver ducts

hot glue

We allow and encourage our campers of all ages to use hot glue guns independently. We use mini, low heat guns and teach hot glue safety. We teach students that are scared how to properly use the tools so that they don’t burn themselves. Let us know if you do not want your camper working with hot glue.

refund policy


Registration includes a $50 non refundable deposit per week. If you cancel before March 1st, we will issue you a full refund minus deposit. If you cancel before May 1st, we will issue you 50% refund minus deposit. Camp is non refundable after May 1st. Non refunded tuition goes towards our scholarship program, providing income based financial aid.


Registration includes a $50 non refundable deposit per camp. If you cancel 15 or more days before camp is scheduled to start, we will issue you a full refund minus the deposit. If you cancel 15 - 8 days before, you will receive a 50% refund minus the deposit. Camp is non refundable 7 days prior to the start date.


Registration includes a $50 non refundable deposit per class. If you cancel 15 or more days before your class is scheduled to start, we will issue you a full refund minus the deposit. If you cancel 15 - 8 days before, you will receive a 50% refund minus the deposit. Classes are non refundable 7 days prior to the start date.

We provide refund exceptions on a case by case basis, contact with questions.


We allow electronics for educational purposes such as finding reference photos, filming, animation, 3d modeling, graphic design, and more. Electronics are only used during guided digital media classes, supervised by teachers at all times. We limit electronics use to one class period per day.

If a student uses their device for watching videos, playing games or texting friends, it will be taken away and returned at dismissal. If this continues to be an issue, the student will not be allowed to use electronics at camp.

Campers may text their family during lunch, but phones then must be put away. Campers are allowed to use their devices during aftercare, though we encourage them to play games and make art with the other students during that time. We are not responsible for any electronics lost or damaged.

parent volunteers

We love having parent volunteers at camp! Email us if you are interested in volunteering during camp hours. If you work in the arts, we’d love to have you come as a guest artist! Guest Artists give short presentations to the students about their work, and answer questions. It’s a great way to expose our young artists to a variety of career paths.

after school CLASS POLICIES:

low enrollment:

If an after school or virtual class hasn’t met our minimum (four students) one week before the start date, the start date will be postponed one week and you will receive a refund of $30 for the missed class. If the class has still not met enrollment the following week, we will postpone the start date another week and issue refunds for those dates. Students may switch to a different class or receive a full refund when classes are postponed.

substitute Teachers:

If a lead after school teacher is unable to teach their scheduled class, we will have another Art Camp 504 teach that day so that class is not cancelled. If we are unable to find a substitute for the class, the class will be rescheduled and the end date will be pushed one week.


Art Camp 504 may photograph or record camp activities for promotional purposes including but not limited to brochures, websites, social media platforms, and advertisements. By participating, parents or guardians grant us permission to use images or recordings of their child for these purposes.

Our social media accounts include Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.

Parents may opt-out of the photo release by emailing

dogs at art camp:

Our canine camp counselors are an integral part of our community. Learn about them below!

ZIGGY STARDUST and PRINCESS SUPERNOVA are the Camp Director Sam’s dogs, they attend every session. They are Japanese Chins and have been attending camp since they were puppies. Ziggy is two years old and was born with hip dysplasia. His final surgery will be in January of 2025. He loves attention and chasing the ball around, but does not like to be picked up. He will growl if he needs space, and will nip if kids try to continue engaging with him after growling. He gets very excited, but then also gets very tired and needs breaks. He is small and doesn’t cause any actual harm but it’s important the kids know to respect his boundaries. We will talk about his surgery and needs on the first day of camp!

Princess Supernova is a perfect little angel… most of the time. The kids are welcome to coddle her, dress her up, sing songs to her. Sometimes she likes to be carried, and when she does not want to be picked up she will grumble. She likes to sit peacefully next to the kids while they work.

FREDDIE is Leesaw’s dog, the Tigermen Den’s owner. She has been coming to camp for years. She is a pitbull mix and is a trained service dog. She is super loving and is a calming presence for all of the students. She is a big pillow and comforts the kids when they are feeling down. She comes to camp whenever Leesaw is in town!

MAMA is the wise old grandmother of Art Camp 504. She started coming to camp last year with Mr. Fin and has been teaching the puppies manners ever since! Mama likes to nap and observe the children from a fluffy bed most of the day. Her favorite thing is to run around in Clouet Gardens with all of her friends! She comes to camp most days with Mr. Fin.

We will also have the occasional visit from Japanese Chins Pop Tart, Remi, Chi Chi and on rare occasion Sookie. Usually they will visit during Clouet Gardens time for a little end of day chaos. All four Japanese Chins running around making gremlin sounds is quite the spectacle!

About the tigermen den:

Art Camp 504’s home and partner is the Tigermen Den, a community space and cultural center dedicated to supporting the Bywater neighborhood’s artists. The Den offers a family-friendly environment, hosting Art Show openings, Supper Club gatherings, Theatrical Plays, Live Music, Community Meetings, Movie Nights, Charity Benefits, Full Moon Ceremonies, and more!

The Tigermen Den is not a bar, but instead a family friendly, dog friendly, and sober friendly space to experience local and touring musicians from all over the world. With seating, refreshments, and a focus on community, every visit supports New Orleans culture, local artists, and Art Camp 504 scholarships!

The Tigermen Den is available for private events throughout the Spring and Fall. LEARN MORE

  • BATHROOMS: We have two single stall, gender neutral bathrooms. During Summer Camp, we have an additional gender neutral bathroom upstairs

  • ACCESSIBILITY: The Tigermen Den has an ADA handicap accessible entry/exit ramp


While we take every precaution to ensure the safety of our campers, participation in our summer camp involves inherent risks.

Parents or guardians agree to waive any claims against our organization, its staff, volunteers, or affiliates for injury, loss, or damage arising from participation in the summer camp. These Terms of Service are governed by the laws of Louisiana. Any disputes arising from or relating to these terms shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of Louisiana.

Diversity and Inclusion Statement:

At Art Camp 504, we believe that art thrives in an environment that celebrates diversity and embraces inclusivity. We are committed to fostering a creative community that values and respects the unique perspectives, experiences, and identities of all individuals.

We strive to create an environment where people from all backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, and socioeconomic statuses feel welcome, heard, and valued. We recognize that diversity enriches our artistic endeavors, fuels innovation, and enhances the vibrancy of our programs and initiatives.

Through our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we aim to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and promote equity within the arts. We actively seek to amplify underrepresented voices, provide opportunities for marginalized groups, and create platforms for dialogue and collaboration across diverse communities.

We are dedicated to ensuring that our organization reflects the diversity of the world we live in and that our programs are accessible and inclusive to all. By embracing diversity and inclusion, we not only strengthen our artistic community but also contribute to a more equitable and compassionate society.


We have a zero-tolerance policy for harassment or misconduct of any kind, including verbal, sexual, or physical harassment. Participants who engage in such behavior toward others, including staff, will be immediately removed from their current course and prohibited from participating in future programs. Any incidents should be reported to the administration with supporting documentation. Upon review, appropriate action will be taken to address the situation and remove the offending individual. A documented report of the incident will be maintained on file.