TEACHER ONBOARDING & lesson planning

We are very excited to have you join our teaching community! Please refer to this page for information about teacher onboarding and lesson planning.

You should have received an onboarding email and a teaching contract that lists your classes, dates, rate and payment schedule. If you have not already, please thoroughly read your onboarding email and teaching contract, and sign and return the contract within 3 days. 

This page is for Summer and Holiday Camp teachers only. Click to view onboarding instructions for after school and guest artists / substitute teachers.



  • We send weekly payments as direct deposit through Gusto

  • If you are a new teacher, you will receive an email from Gusto before your start date. Upon receipt, follow the following steps:

    • Set up a username and password

    • Enter your government name as found on your ID and/or passport

    • Enter your Social Security Number 

    • Enter your Routing & Account Number for the account you’d like your payment deposited in after payroll.

  • Gusto is also how you will access your 1099. 

  • If you have any questions about Gusto or accessing the platform, please reach out to us at community@artcamp504.com 

How to Submit YOUR Hours

Teachers are responsible for recording their own hours. Include your hours for lesson plans, meetings and prep (making examples).

  • All teachers and contractors paid hourly enter their hours weekly using the TIME REPORT FORM.

  • The form is due Monday at 12:00pm CT, and payroll will be deposited on Friday of the same week. If there is a holiday that week, you will receive payment on the following Monday.

  • If we receive your payroll submission after the deadline, your payment will be included in the following week’s payroll. We are not able to make exceptions to this rule.


  • We expect teachers to be available every day they are contracted to teach. If a teacher requests a substitute two or more times per semester, we will discuss if this job is a good fit for your schedule.

  • Depending on the circumstances, teachers that miss three or more classes per semester may not be considered for future teaching positions.

Instructions on submitting bio and photo

All teachers are required to submit a photo and bio that we can share on our website. Teachers are responsible for reviewing their bio each semester and sending updates as needed so that the information is relevant. If you are a returning teacher, check the website to make sure your bio is still up to date. Please send your bio and photo to info@artcamp504.org before your first scheduled class begins. View teacher bios on our TEAM page.


Showcase your greatest achievements, artistic passions, and skills. Write your bio in 3rd person so they all match. Keep your bio one paragraph, and relative in size to the other bios on the website.

  • Your education and degrees

  • Link to your website, business or instagram (I will create a hyperlink on the Art Camp 504 website)

  • Achievements as an artist - gallery shows, exhibitions, publications, commissions, large scale art works, awards, films, etc. Pick a few that you are most proud of to highlight

  • Artistic vision - what mediums do you work in, what are you most inspired by

  • Teaching experience - what experience do you have with kids outside of art camp 504? schools, other summer camps, after school programs, etc. If you've been with us 2 or more years, highlight that!

  • Other work that you do... work in the film industry? are you a musician? freelance photographer? event planner?

  • What else are you passionate about? Mardi Gras costumes? Travel? Social justice? Comic books? Your dog?


CLICK HERE to learn about Art Camp 504’s culture and behavior expectations for students. This page includes our community norms, behavior consequences, conflict resolution strategies, Tigermen Den rules, behavior management techniques and more. Please thoroughly review the page before the first day of camp.


Please complete THIS SURVEY for Summer Camp 2024. We use the survey to learn more about your preferences for general camp activities such as swim, aftercare and park time. We use your responses to assign teacher responsibilities throughout the week.


Lead teachers are responsible for:

  • Scheduling planning calls with our Curriculum Director

  • Submitting lesson plans and material lists with links

  • Creating complete example projects for each lesson

  • Ensuring that your workspace is prepped and organized before the first day of camp

Why is lesson planning important?

  • HIGH QUALITY INSTRUCTION: Our lessons include guiding questions, planning worksheets, time breakdowns and example projects, providing all students with a pathway to success. Students perform best when teachers are prepared and have finished examples to show. Our lessons are aligned to learning standards, helping students use what they learn at Art Camp 504 to improve their overall performance at school.

  • MATERIAL MANAGEMENT: Submitting your material list in advance ensures that we have all the necessary art supplies for your class. This also helps us order in bulk, saving both time and money.

  • SUBSTITUTES:  If you are absent, another teacher can easily cover your class, ensuring that students don't miss out on your activity.

  • REPEAT CLASSES: Lesson planning makes it much easier to repeat the same class in the future, freeing up time for new creative projects.

  • FUTURE GROWTH: We are building a database of lesson plans for future use. This database will facilitate the addition of more classes and the expansion of our program, creating more opportunities for both teachers and students.

Steps for Lesson Planning


  • Participants: All Teachers, Camp Director, and Curriculum Director

  • Timing: Four weeks before the start date

  • Purpose: Review the overall structure of the week and brainstorm ideas

  • Preparation: Each teacher should bring two or three project ideas to the call


  • Participants: Individual Teachers and Curriculum Director

  • Deadline: At least three weeks before the camp start date using this LINK

  • Objective: Finalize project ideas and complete the lesson planning template with the help of Curriculum Director

  • Support: Hannah is available to guide you through the process


  • Deadline: Two weeks before the camp start date (Friday)

  • Submission: Email your Canva link to Hannah at hannah.Imberman@gmail.com. Hannah will compile all lessons for the week into one document.

  • Material List: Add your material list, including purchase links and quantities, to the end of the week’s Production Schedule in our Curriculum Google Drive Folder


  • Requirements: Each lesson needs one finished example project to share with students

  • Preparation: Ensure templates and cutouts are prepped in advance


  • Preparation: Depending on class needs, either come to camp before your start date to prepare materials or prepare them at home

  • Organization: Your workspace should be organized, with all materials ready to go, before students arrive for your lesson

Example Lesson Planning Deadlines for a class that starts Monday, July 8

  1. Group Planning Call - Monday, June 17

  2. Curriculum Planning Call - Monday, June 24 latest

  3. Submit Lesson Plans and Material List - Friday, June 28 

  4. Create example projects and prep project area before the first day of camp

Consequences for Missing Deadlines:

At Art Camp 504, it is essential that all lead teachers meet our deadlines and submit lesson plans and material lists in the requested formats. Adhering to deadlines ensures that our camp operates smoothly and maintains its high learning standards for students.


  • Lead teachers must submit lesson plans and material lists by the specified deadlines.

  • The required formats must be followed for all submissions.

  • Teachers that do not submit lesson plans on time will not be paid for their prep that week. This is because when you don’t turn in lesson plans or material lists on time, it creates extra administrative work

  • If a teacher misses three or more deadlines, they will be at risk of not being invited back as a lead teacher.

Meeting deadlines is crucial for the successful operation of Art Camp 504 and for maintaining the quality of education provided to our students. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to these standards.


Complete the form below to confirm that you have completed all steps for Art Camp 504’s teacher onboarding process.